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North Saugeen Naturopathic Clinic is dedicated to providing you with the highest quality, cost effective naturopathic medical care. We accept all major credit cards and offer direct billing.




We accept nearly all major insurance plans including:

  • Sun Life Financial

  • Canada Life

  • Manulife

  • Standard Life

  • Industrial Alliance

  • Johnson Insurance

  • Chambers of Commerce Group

  • Maximum Benefit

  • Johnston Group

  • Claim Secure

  • Green Shield

  • ​RWAM Insurance Administrators

For the most up-to-date information on our accepted private health insurance plans

contact our clinic directly at 905-237-8521

North Saugeen Naturopathic Clinic
Download all your patient forms here :
North Saugeen Naturopathic Clinic
North Saugeen Naturopathic Clinic
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